Aspiring Individuals to Reach Their Full Potential


Bar Setters,Incorporated
Preparing Today's Future for Tomorrow's Successes
Bar Setters, Incorporated founded by Dr. Darlene C. Beck. Bar Setters, Incorporated is a nonprofit company that was established as a 501(c) (3) on November 16, 2022. Bar Setters, Incorporated has a mission to prepare today's future for tomorrow's successes. The vision of Bar Setters, Incorporated is to see individuals utilize impactful life skills as a vehicle to help open doors for many opportunities in the future. As a company, we truly believe it takes a village to help change the narrative of those living in and aging out of the foster care system.
Services Offered
Greetings, my name is Dr. Darlene C. Beck and thank you for supporting Bar Setters, Incorporated. Bar Setters, Incorporated, was established to prepare today's future for tomorrow's successes. One way we specialize in meeting this mission is through the vehicle of education of impactul life skills. My personal journey includes me being a product of the foster care system at the age of seven until I was adopted by my maternal grandmother who passed away unexpectedly seven years after I was adopted. She instilled in me the importance of education, learning something that will be beneficial to me in my adult years and beyond. I carried that lesson throughout life knowing that with education I can unlock any door or create a door for others to walk through. This is the primary reason why Bar Setters, Incorporated was founded, and that's to help prepare individuals to walk through some doors by way of education of life skills that will be beneficial to them on their journey.

Bar Setters, Incorporated
Meet The President
Problem Solving Strategies
Critical Thinking: Outside of The Box
Decision Making For Real Life Situations
Creative Thinking: Tapping Into The Inner You
Communicating Effectively
Interpersonal Relationship Development
Self-Awareness Building
Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Vice President
Malcolm B.
Dynell B.
Lyntoya P.
Kenner B.

The Dorothy Mae Beck
Scholarship Fund
Dorothy Mae Beck, was big on education and worked hard to instill the importance of having an education to her family. In remembrance of her legacy, Bar Setters Inc. has established a scholarship fund to support individuals who are pursuing educational goals. Whether it's to obtain a college degree or market trade certification, the Dorothy Mae Beck Foundation wants to support. You can join in the support by clicking the link to make a monetary charitable donation.